Truck Accident Attorney in Denver

denver truck accidents

In collisions involving large commercial trucks and cars, most of the people who suffer serious injuries and fatal injuries are occupants of automobiles. As reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 3,852 people were killed in collisions involving large trucks in 2015. In two-vehicle collisions that involved a large truck and a car, 97 percent of those who died were occupants of the passenger vehicles. Occupants of smaller vehicles are vulnerable in any crash involving an 18-wheeler. Contact our Denver truck accident lawyer today.

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a collision caused by a large commercial truck driver, it is important to consult with an experienced truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. At The Wilhite Law Firm, our semi-truck accident attorneys have been successfully handling a range of truck and automobile accidents and other injury cases for more than 35 years. Our Denver truck accident attorneys have the knowledge, skills, and resources to handle complex commercial truck accident claims.